Monday, August 29, 2016


Last Saturday I went to Kuala Terengganu to attend Majlis Sambut Menantu at my fiancĂ© house. That is abg Faried (my fiancĂ© bro) is just married last week. Just a small event because they will combine their wedding reception with mine that is on grooms side reception  this coming December.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Lately I'm too emotional & yeah I don't know whats wrong with my self.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016


The end of Syawal
& its 4th of August already. How time flies.

Love, Hana.

Macau - Hong Kong - Shenzen - Guangzhou trip Part 2

Curi masa untuk sambung entry ke China hari tu. Sebab if tak curi masa sekarang, tak ada dah la sambungan. First sebab dah makin sibuk dengan preparation for my big day and with my bussines lagi plus dah basi cerita trip ke China ni nanti plus dah lupa nak cerita apa nanti. Ni pun macam dah ingat ingat lupa nak tulis apa, hehe.

This entry might be too long sebab malas nak buat part part lain dah.